This is the home of DAV³E, a MATLAB toolbox for feature extraction from cyclic sensor signals, sensor fusion, data preprocessing, and statistical model building and evaluation.

The source code is publicly available on GitHub. A short introduction is given in the readme of the repository. DAV³E runs on MATLAB 2016b or later.

When you publish results obtained with DAV³E, please cite the following publication: Manuel Bastuck, Tobias Baur, and Andreas Schütze: DAV3E – a MATLAB toolbox for multivariate sensor data evaluation, J. Sens. Sens. Syst. (2018), 7, 489-506 (open access), doi: 10.5194/jsss-7-489-2018

DAV³E is versatile. While it has been developed for cyclic gas sensor data, it works with virtually any kind of cyclic or time-series data. You can download an example project with gas sensor data here (raw dataset), and another example project with hydraulic condition monitoring data here (raw dataset).

If you have questions or suggestions, please file a bug report in the GitHub repository or contact


The executable of an older version can be downloaded here (needs the MATLAB R2016b Runtime). A short introduction can be found here. You can download an example project with gas sensor data here, and another example project with hydraulic condition monitoring data here.