Lecture: Mondays, 2 - 4 p.m., A5.1, room -1.03
Exercises: Tuesday, 2 - 4 p.m., building A5.1, room 2.37 or 2.23, see timetable below

Seminar hints, topics and timetable (update: 03.01.2023)

Powerpoint template
for seminar presentations

Download lecture presentations and exercises
Lecture: Date: Content:
Lecture 01 24.10.2022

Ch. 0: introduction, aims and scope (as ppsx) - updated

Ch. 1.1: gas sensor function principles (as ppsx)

Lecture 02 31.10.2022

Ch. 1.1: cont.

Lecture 03 07.11.2022

Ch. 1.2: MOS - metal oxide semiconductor gas sensors (as ppsx)

additional literatur:
- Sensitive and selective VOC sensors systems
- Dynamic operation of semiconductor gas sensors

Lecture 04 14.11.2022 completion ch. 1.2
Lecture 05 21.11.2022

Ch. 1.3: Integrated micro-preconcentrator gas sensor systems (as ppsx)

additional literature:
- Integrated pre-concentrator gas sensor microsystem

Exercise 1


Thermal power and time constants of micro gas sensors

Lecture 06 28.11.2022 Ch. 1.4: IR microsensor technologies and applications (as ppsx)
Lecture 07 29.11.2022 Ch. 1.4 cont.
  05.12.2022 no lecture
Lecture 07 12.12.2022 Ch. 2.1: magnetic microsensors: basics (as ppsx
Exercise 2 13.12.2022

Infrared gas sensing

Lecture 08 19.12.2022
Ch. 2.2: modern integrated Hall sensors (as ppsx)
Lecture 09 02.01.2023

Ch. 2.3: advanced xMR sensors (as ppsx)

Lecture 10 09.01.2023

Ch. 2.3 continued

Ch. 2.4: Magnetic microsensors: applications (as ppsx)

Lecture 11 16.01.2023 Ch. 2.4 continued
  23.01.2023 no lecture
Exercise 3 24.01.2022

Magnetic microsensors

seminar talks
part 1

Christian Sandner: Road Surface Condition Monitoring (as ppsx)

Rajon Bhuyan: Quantifying Cognitive Workload Using a Non-Contact Magnetocardiography (MCG) Wearable Sensor (as ppsx)

Nicolas Meusel: Real-Time Vehicle Classification System Using a Single Magnetometer (as ppsx)

seminar talks part 2  06.02.2023

no more talks

Grade: seminar talk (30%), oral exam (70%, date by appointment)

Further informationen. module description

exercises: Christian Bur

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