During the digital conferenceIndoor Air Quality Dietze kl

SMSI 2021 - Sensor and Measurement Science International

Prof. Schütze will offer the tutorial T 3.1

Setting Standards for Indoor Air Quality Sensors Based on VOCs

Environmental pollution is still one of the greatest challenges for Europe and worldwide. While outside air quality is frequently discussed in terms of NOx or Ozone levels, indoor pollution is often overlooked. However, as we spend more and more time indoors and because of increased building insulation and reduced air exchange, indoor pollution levels can be significantly higher and contribute similarly to the overall burden of disease.

The tutorial will introduce the why, what and how of monitoring indoor pollution with special emphasis on volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These are major contributors to both short (headaches, dizziness) and long term (cardiovascular diseases, asthma, cancer) health effects. The tutorial will also discuss the standard VDI/VDE 3518 Blatt 4 that is currently developing standardized test instructions and test gases for VOC detectors for indoor air quality measurement. Target audience are engineers in sensors and sensor systems R&D, quality control and calibration as well as in building management.